Conversations with Ilya Krasilshchik

Fall 2018

Date Presenter Title
09/11 Vladimir Pozner

Journalist, Author, Documentary Filmmaker
Искусство интервью | The Art of the Interview

Lecture in Russian
09/12 Vladimir Pozner

Journalist, Author, Documentary Filmmaker
Conversations with Vladimir Pozner

Lecture in English
09/13 Vladimir Pozner

Journalist, Author, Documentary Filmmaker
Цензура государственная, цензура корпоративная: если зайти достаточно далеко слева, окажешься справа

Lecture in Russian
10/24 Michael Kimmage

Professor, The Catholic University of America
The Russian Question: Studying for Policy

Lecture in English
10/16 Vladimir Paperny

Author, Adjunct Professor, UCLA
Как я покинул СССР | How I Left the USSR

Lecture in Russian
10/17 Vladimir Paperny

Author, Adjunct Professor, UCLA
Моя встреча с Америкой | My Experience in the United States

Lecture in Russian
10/18 Nikolay Petrov

Professor, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Evolution of Contemporary Russian Elite

Lecture in Russian
10/23 Ilia Krasilshchik

Publisher, Meduza
Current State of the Russian Press: What We Can, What We Can’t

Lecture in Russian
10/24 Ilia Krasilshchik

Publisher, Meduza
Doing News in Modern Russia for the Modern Russian

Lecture in Russian
10/25 lia Krasilshchik

Publisher, Meduza
The Russian Audience in the Putin-Trump Era: Top Topics for Readers 2016–2018

Lecture in Russian
10/30 Nikolay Petrov

Author, Editor

Lecture in Russian
11/8 Lev Gudkov

Director, Levada Center, Moscow
Образ “Запада” в общественном мнении России | The Image of the “West” in Russian Public Opinion

Lecture in Russian
11/12 Lev Gudkov

Director, Levada Center, Moscow
Российское общество до и после “крымской мобилизации” (2013-2018 гг.) | Russian Society Before and After the “Crimean Mobilization”

Lecture in Russian
11/13 Lev Gudkov

Director, Levada Center, Moscow
“Неотрадиционализм” в России: стерилизация исторической памяти | “Neotraditionalism” in Russia: The Sterilization of Historical Memory

Lecture in Russian
12/4 Nikolay Epplee

Independent Researcher
Memory of the GULAG in Present-Day Russia: A Resource and an Instrument

Lecture in Russian

Spring 2019 

2/13 Sergii Glebov (Professor, Smith College)  and

Denys Kuzmin (Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Odessa)
Political Mythology as a Challenge to Ukraine’s Nation-Building: The Case of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

Lecture in Russian
3/26 Oksana Gaman-Golutvina

Head of the Department of Political Science, MGIMO University, Moscow
Political Power Dynamics in Contemporary Russia

Lecture in Russian
3/28 Oksana Gaman-Golutvina

Head of the Department of Political Science, MGIMO University, Moscow    
Evolution of Russian Political Elites

Lecture in Russian
4/18 Simon Saradzhyan

Founding Director, Russia Matters, Assistant Director, US-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
A Study of Russia’s Military Interventions: When Does Vladimir Putin Send the Troops?

Lecture in English
4/19 J. Mitchell Johnson

Documentary Filmmaker
Film Screening: Saving North

Q&A in English
4/29 Matthew Levie

USG Auditor, MIIS Graduate
Tools and Inspiration for Anti-Corruption Warriors

Workshop in English