2019-2020 Academic Year
Spring 2020
The Visiting Experts Program for Spring 2020 was suspended due to COVID-19.
Fall 2019
Date & Time | Presenter | Title |
11/25 12:15 p.m. CNS Videoconference Room |
Alexey Arbatov Academician, Head of the Center for International Security at IMEMO, Moscow |
Arms Control Myths and Realities in a World in DisarrayLecture in English |
11/22 2:00 p.m. CNS |
Angelos Theocharis Doctoral Candidate, University of Edinburgh |
Russian Literature as Cultural StatecraftLecture in English |
11/21 12:15 p.m. CNS |
Artem Lukin Professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok |
Russia’s Turn to the East: Geo-economics and GeopoliticsLecture in Russian |
11/21 10:00 a.m. McGowan MG100 |
Pavel Polyan Author, Geographer, Historian, Moscow |
MandelstamLecture in Russian |
11/19 12:15 p.m. CNS |
Pavel Polyan Author, Geographer, Historian, Moscow |
Soviet Deportations and their Long EchoLecture in Russian |
11/18 4:00 p.m. CNS |
Pavel Polyan Author, Geographer, Historian, Moscow |
Jewish Migration from the Post-Soviet Space to GermanyLecture in Russian |
11/7 12:15 p.m. CNS |
Masataka Suzuki Politician, Board Member, Association of Former LDP Parliament Members, Tokyo |
The Security Environment of Northeast Asia and Japan-US-Russia RelationsLecture in Japanese with Interpretation into English |
11/1 10:00 a.m. Morse B104 |
Irina Borogan and Andrei Soldatov Investigative Journalists, Authors, Moscow |
Book Presentation—The Compatriots: The Brutal and Chaotic History of Russia’s Exiles, Émigrés, and Agents AbroadLecture in Russian |
10/31 10:00 a.m. McGowan MG100 |
Irina Borogan and Andrei Soldatov Investigative Journalists, Authors, Moscow |
The Battle for Russia’s Internet: How the Kremlin is Trying to Control the World Wide WebLecture in Russian |
10/25 6:00 p.m. Irvine Auditorium |
Vladimir Pozner Journalist, Author, Documentary Filmmaker |
Front Page: The Changing Face of Journalism in Russia and the United StatesPresentation in English |
10/24 10:00 a.m. McGowan MG100 |
Vladimir Pozner Journalist, Author, Documentary Filmmaker |
Conversations with Vladimir Vladimirovich Poznerin Russian |
10/23 12:00 p.m. McGowan MG100 |
Vladimir Pozner Journalist, Author, Documentary Filmmaker |
Conversations with Vladimir Vladimirovich Poznerin Russian |
10/15 10:00 a.m. McGowan MG100 |
Grigory Zorin Producer, Moscow |
Evolution of Youth Music Culture from 2000 to 2010Lecture in Russian via Zoom |
10/9 12:15 p.m. CNS V499 |
George S. Beebe Director of Studies, Center for the National Interest |
Subverting the Dominant Paradigm About RussiaLecture in English |