| by Sierra Abukins

News Stories

Two people video editing

Online video production is skyrocketing and it’s driving demand for people who are trained to create high-quality subtitles.

That’s why the Middlebury Institute of International Studies has launched a new self-paced, short course titled Subtitling for Streaming.

“It’s all about access—whether someone is hard of hearing, speaks a different language, or simply needs to view the video with the volume off because they are in a public space,” said Professor Max Troyer, who developed the course, which includes hands-on training exercises.

There didn’t used to be clear quality standards for subtitling across the language services industry. However, in recent years Netflix has emerged as a key player, codifying specific standards for all content streaming on their platform that reflect best practices based on the latest research.

The Institute plans to expand its offerings like this one, providing timely and accessible trainings drawing on the deep expertise of Institute faculty in intercultural communication, sustainability, and global security.

“Successful professionals never stop learning,” said Patricia Szasz, dean of academic innovation at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. “We want more people to be able to access the incredible knowledge and learning that our master’s students have through these new shorter-term credentials.”

The new noncredit course is adapted from the Middlebury Institute’s online MA in Translation and Localization Management.

“The localization industry is there to create bridges across cultures and make the world a little bit smaller in good ways—letting people access content in ways they couldn’t otherwise,” said Troyer.


The course is currently available at a discounted price of $59— learn more and register.